Can Standing For Long Periods Cause Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are dark, swollen, and twisted. They are often seen through the skin. They develop mostly in the legs and feet, and for some people, they’re simply a cosmetic concern. But for many others, they are very painful and represent a significant health risk. Varicose veins occur when the veins swell with blood as a result of increased pressure in the veins of the lower body. Pressure that increases with standing or walking for extended periods of time, day in and day out, as a result of some jobs or activities. Learn more about varicose veins and if you are at risk for developing this condition, and read up on some varicose vein prevention tips.

People with jobs that require standing for long periods of time, such as factory workers, teachers, nurses, or flight attendants, do have a higher risk of developing varicose veins than their peers in other professions. This is because blood pools in the lower extremities after standing or walking for an extended period. But there is a little more to the story – it’s not just blood pooling to consider when thinking about the cause of varicose veins. There is also a failure of the one-way valves in the legs that are meant to keep blood flowing in the right direction that allows for the blood to pool when standing, or even sitting, for long periods of time. This combination can be serious, especially if the veins burst or blood clots form.

If your profession requires sitting or standing for long periods, there are ways you can help combat the development of varicose veins. If it is possible, you should take short breaks to stretch your legs or walk around to keep the blood flowing in your legs and feet. Another way to help combat varicose vein development is by wearing supportive, compression stockings. These stockings help relieve the painful symptoms of varicose veins while improving circulation and supporting the swollen blood vessels.

If varicose veins become serious, patients may have to have medical interventions to treat the disorder. These interventions include microphlebectomy, in which the veins are removed through small incisions in the skin, treatments that use lasers or heat to collapse or destroy varicose veins in procedures like laser ablation and thermocoagulation, and sclerotherapy, a procedure that uses chemicals to dissolve the targeted varicose veins.

Advanced Radiology uses these therapies to treat varicose vein patients. Do you have questions about the impact of your job on your veins or how to treat your painful varicose veins? Schedule and appointment today. Call us at 855.201.1519