Get the Facts About Factor V Leiden and PAD

Peripheral artery disease is a dangerous health condition that causes the narrowing of the arteries in the arms and legs, stomach, and the head. The condition is dangerous because it not only reduces critical blood and oxygen flow to these body areas, but it also increases an individual’s risk of stroke. PAD is especially serious for people with the blood-clotting disorder factor V Leiden.

What Is Factor V Leiden?

Factor V Leiden is a genetic blood disorder caused by a mutation in the gene that controls factor V, a main element in blood clotting. This mutation causes excessive bleeding and the development of blood clots. In many cases, the clots develop in the veins but can travel to the arteries and organs, putting patients at increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

What Are the Symptoms of Factor V Leiden?

The severity of factor V Leiden symptoms varies based on the amount of factor V in the blood. Some individuals have no signs of factor V Leiden at all, while others develop blood clots, abnormal bleeding after cuts, internal bleeding of the organs and the intestines, prolonged bleeding after surgery or giving birth, increased bruising, and increased bleeding below the skin. Other symptoms include nosebleeds, heavy menstrual periods and bleeding gums.

Who Develops Factor V Leiden? How Is It diagnosed?

Factor V Leiden develops in both men and women. Women with the condition face an increased risk of developing blood clots because of the hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy or while taking hormone-replacement therapy during menopause.

Diagnosis of factor V Leiden is through genetic testing and tests that measure the levels of factor V in the blood.

What Are the Treatments for Factor V Leiden?

Treatments for factor V Leiden include blood-thinning medications to reduce the risk of developing blood clots. Some individuals may also benefit from infusions of frozen plasma and blood platelets. Infusions are typically used after a severe bleeding incident or after surgery.

Why Is Factor V Leiden Dangerous for People With PAD?

The increased risk of blood clots makes factor V Leiden dangerous for individuals with PAD because if a clot gets caught in a narrowed artery, the patient may suffer a stroke or heart attack. Blood clots can also prevent other organs from receiving vital oxygen and blood necessary for the organ to function. As a result, the organ can shut down, and patients are at risk of illness and even death.

Do you have factor V Leiden and PAD? Reduce your risk of stroke and heart attack by calling Advanced Radiology today at 855-201-1519 for a consultation.